Grassroots Meeting to Discuss Business Legislative Issues
August 9, 2011CHARLESTON, SC – August 10, 2011
WHO: Hosted by the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce and presented by the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce.
WHAT: The Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce and the South Carolina Chamber of Commercepresent the Grassroots Meeting in an effort to identify issuesconcerning the business community and to discuss the upcoming agenda for the 2012 legislative session. The Grassroots Meeting is held every year and gives the business community input on the issues impacting businesses and what legislative priorities they would like to see for the General Assembly to address in January. In addition,leadership from the South Carolina State Chamber will present legislative priorities for businesses across the state and discuss which issues are likely to be a focus.
WHEN: Wednesday, August 10, 2011
12 – 1:30 p.m.
Open to public and free of charge.
To registergrassroots@scchamber.netor call 803.255.2628.
WHERE: Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
4500 Leeds Ave., Ste. 100
North Charleston, SC 29405
WHY: The meeting serves as the unified voice of business inSouth Carolina to continually strive to maintain one of the mostpositive business climates in the country. This meeting is designed toidentify issues concerning employers and industry. The South Carolina Chamber ishosting other meetings around the state in a similar format.
CONTACT: Emily Watts, Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, PR/Publications Director 843.805.3053