Green Building Council SC Announces 2012 Leadership Awards
April 4, 2012MT. PLEASANT, SC – April 4, 2012 – The Individual Award recognizes outstanding vision, leadership, andcommitment to advancing green building in South Carolina. This year’saward went to Bryan Cordell. Bryan is Executive Director of theSustainability Institute in Charleston, which has been instrumental inmaking green building and sustainability efforts more visible across thestate. The Sustainability Institute has grown from a team of two in2006 to 16 today with a budget of over $1.7 million.
Pictured: Caption from left to right Mark Godfrey, Vice-Chair USGBC SC, Shawn Heath, Duke Energy, Bryan Cordell
The organization’sgreen’ workforce development program, has educated more than 8,000people and certified over 235 in Building Performance Institute (BPI)standards for residential energy efficiency retrofit work. Theirweatherization projects have documented energy savings of over $2million. In addition to the USGBC-SC Board, Bryan has also served on avariety of other environmental boards and advisory committees. Bryanjoined the USGBCSC Board in 2009, served on its membership committee,and Southeast Regional Committee (SERC). In 2010, the chapter electedBryan President. During that year, USGBC national awarded the SCChapter a grant helping it hire its first Executive Director. Bryancontinues to serve as an elected representative to SERC, chairing itsCommunity Engagement Committee in 2011 and 2012. In 2011, Bryanorganized the first regional weatherization effort that coordinatedUSGBC Chapter volunteerled projects to weatherize the homes oflowincome families across the southeast.
The Exemplary Project Award recognizes outstanding projects withthe ability to inspire others to pursue Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design (LEED) certification. The Exemplary Project awardwent to the Goodall Environmental Studies Center – Wofford College,Glendale Shoals. Receiving the award for Wofford College were BettyMontgomery, Trustee; Jason Burr, Associate VP of Facilities; and BGStephens, retired faculty. Glendale Mill began operations in 1832, butclosed in 1961. The property, suffered due to neglect and fire damage.In 2005, several local organizations and Wofford College alumni begana campaign to revitalize Glendale and to preserve the history andnatural resources of Lawson’s Fork Creek. The mill office became thehome for Wofford’s new Environmental Studies program, providing a clearexample of sustainable design and creative historic preservation. TheCenter reestablished an identity for the community of Glendale andopened the beauty of Lawson’s Fork Creek—hidden for 100 years. InNovember 2010, the project achieved LEED Platinum Certification.Building highlights include:
- Uses 32% less energy than average buildings of the same size and type
- Uses 45% less potable (tap) water than average buildings of the same size and type
- Uses nonpotable water for toilet flushing and stored rainwater for irrigation
- A highly reflective “cool” roof reduces its heat island effect
- 78% of the Construction Waste was recycled (not sent to the landfill)
John Lane, Director of the Center and Wofford Professor of Englishsaid, “The LEED Platinum designation serves as an indication ofWofford’s leading role in sustainability. The LEED process is complex,but in the end, gratifying. The project is a great teaching tool;students can see the results in this efficient and beautiful building.”
This year’s Keith Sanders Service Award winner, named after one ofthe founding members who did about everything to keep the chaptermoving, is Dan Gerst, the Chapter’s Communication Chair. Dan is atechnology marketing professional, responsible for businessintelligence, customer satisfaction, and market research at QS/1. Danstarted serving the SC Chapter on the Upstate Steering Committee and asthe Upstate Communications Chair in 2009. In 2010, the SC boardelected Dan Communications Chair. He also took on the CommunicationsChair role for the Sustain SC 2010 Conference. Dan is now serving histhird year as the SC Chapter Communications Chair. Denise said, “Usinghis professional expertise and unique motivational skills, Dan hasformed a high functioning committee to serve the Chapter that wouldrival any Chapter in the country. Under his guidance, theCommunications Committee has moved the Chapter forward with ourwebsite, emails, newsletters, public relations, social media, andresearch. We are very grateful to have Dan working for the greatergood of the Chapter.”
Duke Energy sponsored the USGBC SC Leadership Awards program andShawn Heath, VP of Sustainability for Duke Energy Carolinas said, “Dukehas recently adopted an operating strategy that is good for people, theplanet, and profits.” Duke Energy, of Charlotte, NC operates adiverse set of power generation assets in North America and LatinAmerica, including a growing renewable energy portfolio.
Denise Sherman, USGBC SC Chapter Chair thanked the Awards SelectionCommittee: Joe Bace, Aimee Morrow, Bachman Smith, and Trish Jerman fortheir extraordinary efforts in selecting the three final awardwinners.