Greenville Chamber releases 2024 public policy agenda

December 12, 2023

The Greenville Chamber released its 2024 policy agenda on Friday, December 8th, focused on improving our business climate, increasing educational attainment of our community, and boosting economic development.

Our agenda outlines the shared priorities of more than 8,000 businesses from the business community in Greenville County and across the Upstate, in conjunction with our 13 chamber partners from the Upstate Chamber Coalition.

The 2024 Agenda is focused on reforming our outdated civil justice system, which is costing the average South Carolina household $3,181 each year. The Chamber is also continuing our long-standing focus on making childcare more accessible and affordable, increasing access to capital for small businesses and entrepreneurs, lessening the impact of the “benefits cliff” for blue-collar workers, and closing the state’s pension system.

There are also a number of items that reflect unfinished business from the previous session, including rethinking teacher recruitment and retention, reforming our economic development incentives, licensure reform for immigrants who are allowed to work in the United States, and addressing the liquor liability issue to support our hospitality economy. Businesses continue to face significant challenges in accessing talent and workforce and many of these policies are designed as solutions to these pressing issues.

According to Greenville Chamber President/CEO, Carlos Phillips, “We are honored to unify our Upstate business community around these key issues and to represent their collective interests at a local, state and federal level. In the year ahead, we urge our business community to engage with their elected officials and leverage the resources available through the Chamber to drive policy solutions that build regional prosperity.”

The agenda was unveiled at the Chamber’s Annual Legislative Breakfast, the Chamber’s flagship legislative event. Nearly 200 local business and political leaders were in attendance to hear from the Greenville County Legislative Delegation and pressure them to take up the community’s priorities.

All members of the Upstate Chamber Coalition are afforded the opportunity to shape the agenda. A fall survey followed more than two dozen agenda-setting meetings with industry groups, other Upstate chambers and business organizations, and the Chamber’s Business Advocacy committees.

To view the full 2024 Public Policy Agenda and Advocacy Guide, visit


About the Greenville Chamber

The Greenville Chamber, now in its 135th year of operation, is the largest business organization in Upstate South Carolina with over 1900 Investors supporting the vision of a globally competitive Upstate economy where businesses succeed and people prosper. For information, visit