Greenville County Rec Adult Sports – Summer / Fall 2014
May 12, 2014
Adult Softball
Registration is open for the Late Summer/Early Fall 2014 Adult Softball Season. Multiple leagues will be offered in the Men’s Open, Men’s Church, COED Open, and COED Church Divisions. Team cost is $300 before June 30 and $325 July 1 – 11. Season starts August 11. For more information or to register your team, visit or contact Rich Dixon at 864-676-2180 ext. 134 or by email at
Adult Flag Football
Registration is open for the Summer 2014 Adult Flag Football League. Team cost is $275.00 for the Sunday League, $300.00 for theThursday Night League, and $150 for the High School COED League. Registration runs thru May 30th.To get more information on the Summer League or to register a team, visit or contact Wilbur McNeil at 864-676-2180 ext. 163 or by email at
Adult Soccer
Registration is open for Summer 2014 Adult Soccer Leagues. Available leagues include: COED PRO 7′s & COED REC 7’s (Mondays), Men’s PRO 7′s & Men’s REC 7’s (Tuesdays), and Women’s 6’s (Thursdays). Team cost is $300.00. Registration runs thru May 30st. For more information or to register a team please visit or contact Rich Dixon at 864-676-2180 ext. 134 or by email at
Adult Kickball
Registration is open for Summer 2014 COED Adult Kickball Wednesday Night League at Butler Springs Park. Team cost is $175 throughMay 23rd. For more information or to register a team, visit or contact Wilbur McNeil at 864-676-2180 ext. 163or by email at