HDHomelistings.com Unveils Dynamic Bio/Client Video Concept

February 3, 2010

COLUMBIA, SC – February 3, 2010 – Television news veteran Brian DeRoy and his team have taken a vast amount of communication experience and now introduce a marketing concept aimed at anyone with a referral business.

Using full HD video, www.HDHomelistings.com captures Raleigh, NC Realtor Carrie Surti discussing several real estate topics.  In addition, the fast paced video includes a client testimonial, dynamic graphics and upbeat music.

This video marketing concept allows anyone with a referral business, like Realtors, to communicate directly with potential clients and allows them to personalize themselves, DeRoy said.

Using video in such a manner allows a personal connection far beyond any text or pictures on a website.  Best of all, such videos can easily be inserted into business websites, Facebook posts or pages, and blogs.

To view the video, go to www.HDHomelistings.com and click on the top video window. A direct link can also be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwEXbBZEIEI

HDHomelistings.com is the real estate focused brand of parent group, Liveshotmedia.com.  Founder Brian DeRoy is a former anchor at WIS-TV and brings more than a dozen years of experience to his craft, including the bulk of experience in a top-30 TV market.