High School Student Recognized For 10 Years of Volunteer Service and Junior Achievement Involvement

April 7, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – Being a student in Junior Achievement since 2nd grade, Alden Brinkley, now a senior at Dutch Fork High School, will be recognized for his dedication to the organization during Junior Achievement’s premier awards dinner.

For ten years, Alden has served as a Student Ambassador for Junior Achievement’s Hall of Fame – a black tie event created to recognize business leaders from across the state. He was at first chosen from among hundreds of his peers from throughout the Midlands. There are typically only 10 – 15 Student Ambassadors chosen each year by the organization to assist with the introductions of the awards winners (or Laureates as they are known at this event). Alden’s ability to speak in front of a group of hundreds of businesses people, his clear voice his professional demeanor all but guaranteed his invitation to return to Hall of Fame events since 2006.

For his dedication throughout the years, Alden will be presented with a $500 scholarship to put towards his college expenses.

The event will be held April 9th, 2015 at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center and will begin at 7:00 pm.


About Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina

Hand in hand with caring adult volunteers concerned about the future success and economic health of South Carolina’s students and the communities in which they live, Junior Achievement of Central South Carolina (JA) empowers young people to own their future economic success by enhancing the relevancy of their education. That’s because JA ignites the spark in students to experience and realize the opportunities and realities of work in a 21st century global marketplace. http://centralsc.ja.org