Homeless No More announces inaugural Stars So Bright on May 25th
May 17, 2023Homeless No More announced the inaugural Stars So Bright event, an evening of music, dance and intentional community connection to support homeless and at-risk families and children in our community, and to highlight the diverse known and unknown stars who guide Columbia toward our better selves.
The evening will be held at the Mansion on Blanding on Thursday, May 25th from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and will honor nine different community leaders from across the Midlands who continue to guide and uplift the Midlands towards a brighter future.
Honorees include Judge DeAndrea Gist Benjamin, Scott Garvin, Judi Gatson, I.S. Leevy Johnson, Sheriff Leon Lott, Tanya Rodriguez-Hodges, Senator Katrina Shealy, and Vince Ford and Barbara Willm, posthumously.
“We’re especially excited about this event as it will truly represent the diversity of our community and those who support the homeless families and children we are able to serve throughout the year.” said Dr. Lila Anna Sauls, president and CEO of Homeless No More.
Each of the nine “stars” have nominated a “rising star,” or a lesser-known member of the community they feel are leading change in a variety of areas in the Midlands. The “rising stars” are Zimri Bertotty, Dr. Leigh Hicks, Anthony Jackson, Darrell “DJ” Jackson, Jr, Ashley Johnson, Chloe Kitts, Lara Lott Moore, Meg Syms and Hailey Young.
The evening will include entertainment from internationally recognized guitarist Terence Young as Homeless No More and the community celebrate the Midlands as a family and connect diverse neighbors with each other.
“We found that those in our community work together but often don’t play together,” Sauls said. “Our hope is that people will come as strangers and leave as friends.”
Tickets are available at the Homeless No More website: