Human Resources Professional of the Year to be Honored In Columbia

February 7, 2011

WHO:             The South Carolina Chamber ofCommerce and the South Carolina State Council of the Society for HumanResource Management (SHRM) will honor the 2011 Human ResourcesProfessional of the Year, presented by Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak& Stewart PC (Greenville, Columbia and Charleston offices).


WHAT:           Human Resources Professional of the Year Awards


                        Nominees Are:         

                        Melissa H. Anderson, Domtar

                        Deb Davidson, SPHR, South Carolina Research Authority

                        George DeCroes, Jr., Eastman Chemical Company

                        Allison Dennis, Santee Cooper

                        Willis “Trip” Gregory, III, SPHR, Palmetto Health

                        Gina Guilliams, Springs Creative Products Group, LLC

                        Steve Nail, Hubbell Lighting, Inc.

                        Rachel Platt, SPHR, Metglas, Inc.

                        Susan Rector, PHR, CLT, Fabri-Kal Corporation

                        Annette Rollins, SPHR, First Citizens Bank and Trust Company, Inc.

                        Crystal Rookard, Midlands Technical College

                        John Slavich, Human Resources Dynamics


The evening’s keynote speaker will be Greg Blake, international chiefencouragement engineer of PepWorks. Blake is a former leadershipdevelopment specialist with Denny’s, Greenville Hospital System and BMW. This inspiring, motivational presentation is entitled “We’re in thePeople Business… It’s about People Before Profits.”


        Tuesday, February 8, 2011


     6:30 p.m., Embassy Suites Columbia-Greystone (200 Stoneridge Drive)


         The South Carolina Human Resources ManagementAward for Professional Excellence was established in 1989 to recognizean individual for outstanding service and dedication to the humanresources field.


The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce

The South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s first state chamber Accredited with Distinction by theU.S. Chamber, is the state’s largest statewide broad-based business andindustry trade association representing more than 18,000 businesses andmore than one million employees, with 90 percent of membership comprised of small businesses. As the unified voice for business and industry,the Chamber is a catalyst for increasing wealth and enhancing thestate’s global competitiveness in order to improve the quality of lifefor all South Carolinians.