IHOP’s Free Pancake Giveaway Returns March 1, 2011

February 28, 2011

Goal is to Raise $2.3 Million for Charity With Annual National Pancake Day Celebration

CHARLESTON, SC – March 1, 2011 – IHOP, one of America’s favoriterestaurants for breakfast, lunch and dinner, has announced plans toserve free pancakes as part of the company’s philanthropic NationalPancake Day on Tuesday, March 1, 2011. Planned as a celebration offriends, family and community, IHOP hopes the program in 2011 will raise $2.3 million for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a charity thatraises funds for 170 children’s hospitals, as well as other worthy local causes.

More than 1,500 IHOP restaurants throughout the United States willinvite guests to enjoy a free short stack of IHOP’s signature buttermilk pancakes from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. as part of the sixth annual NationalPancake Day. Guests are invited to donate what they would have paid forthe free pancakes, or more, to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals orother worthy causes.

IHOP’s National Pancake Day has become a highly anticipated annualevent in communities throughout the United States, and provides ourguests a fun opportunity to support the efforts of Children’s MiracleNetwork Hospitals and other local charities, said Jean Birch, IHOP’spresident. Last year, we surpassed our goal of raising $5 million inour first five years, and this year we are raising the bar again withour most ambitious fundraising goal to date.”

Additionally, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals “Miracle Balloons”will be sold for $1 and $5 each and will be personalized and displayedat participating IHOP restaurants from February 1 through March 1, 2011. Miracle Balloons offer guests an additional way to show their supportof Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and contribute to the IHOPNational Pancake Day fundraising effort.

Since the inception of its National Pancake Day in 2006, IHOP has raised more than $5.35 million to support charities in the communities inwhich it operates. In 2010 alone, IHOP served more than four millionfree pancakes and raised over $2.1 million in support of Children’sMiracle Network Hospitals and other local charities.

For more information about IHOP’s National Pancake Day, or to learnmore about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and make an onlinedonation, visit www.ihoppancakeday.com.


Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals® raises funds for 170 children’shospitals across North America, which, in turn, use the money where it’s needed the most. When a donation is given it stays in the community,ensuring that every dollar is helping local kids. Since 1983, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $4 billion, most of it$1 at a time. These donations have gone to support research andtraining, purchase equipment, and pay for uncompensated care, all insupport of our mission to save and improve the lives of as many children as possible. Learn more at CMNHosptials.org.


For 52 years, the IHOP family restaurant chain has served its worldfamous pancakes and a wide variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner itemsthat are loved by people of all ages. IHOP offers its guests anaffordable, everyday dining experience with warm and friendly service.The first IHOP opened in Toluca Lake, Calif. in 1958, and as ofSeptember 30, 2010, there were 1,483 IHOPs in 50 states and the District of Columbia, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.IHOP restaurants are franchised and operated by Glendale, Calif.-basedInternational House of Pancakes, LLC and its affiliates. InternationalHouse of Pancakes, LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DineEquity, Inc.(NYSE: DIN).

Editors Note: Pancake Day is a tradition that dates back severalcenturies to when the English prepped for fasting during Lent. Strictrules prohibited the eating of all dairy products during Lent, sopancakes were made to use up the supply of eggs, milk, butter and otherdairy products…hence the name Pancake Tuesday, or Shrove Tuesday. In2011, IHOP’s National Pancake Day will come one week early, as thepopular annual campaign has evolved into a month-long celebration thattakes place during the month of February. It will culminate with thefree flapjack giveaway on March 1.