Increased Patrols on I-26, I-85, and I-95 as Part of Operation SafeDRIVE

May 20, 2024

Motorists traveling on South Carolina’s major highways—Interstates 26, 85, and 95—will see increased law enforcement presence over the next few days. The South Carolina State Transport Police (SCSTP) is launching Operation SafeDRIVE to reduce collisions involving commercial motor vehicles and curb unsafe driving behaviors.

Operation SafeDRIVE stands for Safe Driving on Roadways with Increased Visibility and Enforcement. The SCSTP will collaborate with local law enforcement to target traffic violations, with a focus on dangerous and distracted driving. Officers will also conduct vehicle compliance checks and engage in criminal interdiction.

Enhanced patrols will address distracted driving, often due to mobile device use, and ensure commercial vehicles meet safety standards. Criminal interdiction will target illegal activities on the highways.

The SCSTP urges motorists to remain vigilant and adhere to traffic laws during this period of increased enforcement. By driving responsibly and complying with traffic regulations, drivers can contribute to a safer travel environment.

Operation SafeDRIVE underscores South Carolina’s commitment to highway safety. Motorists are reminded to drive safely and responsibly for a secure journey.