Invitation to March Learning Lunch at DTC

February 28, 2011



All Charleston I.T. Professionals
Learning Lunch
Thursday, 03/03/11
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
1064 Gardner Road, Suite 212 (Fairfield Park)
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)

Mingle with other IT Professionals, view an informational presentation, and enjoy lunch on us while you learn from your peers!

What’s the Topic?


Join us to discuss IPv6 and the future of the Internet!

As the world wide web continues to grow, the number of Internet addresses is becoming limited.

There is a desperate need for the upgrade of Internet addresses!  With cyberspace almostfull, it’s going to take half a trillion dollars to avoid a globalsqueeze.

IPV6 is the ultimate case of procrastination; a problem so big, so complex, and soexpensive, that the world has ignored it for two decades.

What’s the solution? These questions and more will be discussed at our informative and interactive Learning Lunch.


What’s Included?

  • Presentation
  • Discussion
  • Complimentary Lunch and Giveaways
  • Networking with IT Professionals

How Do I Register?


R.S.V.P. to Martha Nye at 843-402-0983 or email.