Is there an embezzler in your business?

January 22, 2018

By Jerry Bellune


A friend called to demand to know why his bill was 90 days past due.
Our bookkeeper found a copy of the cancelled check with the dates, etc.
When we called to offer to fax the check, he was surprised and apologized.
That evening he returned to his office, went through his bookkeeper’s desk and discovered she was stealing his money.

None of us like to think this can happen to us.
It can and almost did to our friend Ruth King, a business adviser.
Ruth and her departing bookkeeper interviewed an excellent candidate.
They liked her. And she passed Ruth’s bookkeeping test with flying colors.
Ruth was shocked when the background check revealed the woman had been convicted of embezzlement, a public record.
The woman had not mentioned this because she knew it would cost her the job.

We recently interviewed a candidate for our office.
In the job she would be handling cash and preparing deposits.
That’s where embezzlers take you.
Her background check revealed two fraudulent check violations.
We decided not to hire her.

Embezzlers are smart, patient people.
They tend to interview well, will charm the pants off you, build your confidence in them, then take advantage of your trust.
Ruth talks about how to protect yourself in her new book, “The Ugly Truth About Cash.” It is a vital book for any business owner and can be ordered online from Amazon or just google Ruth King.


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