Launch of Superintendent Search for District 55: Stakeholder Input Sessions Announced

March 12, 2024

The search for a new superintendent for Laurens County School District 55 (LCSD55) has officially commenced, spearheaded by the South Carolina School Board Association (SCSBA).

To ensure a comprehensive and inclusive process, SCSBA will be conducting a series of focus group meetings with various stakeholders. These meetings aim to gather valuable input from different segments of the community regarding the qualities, characteristics, and work experiences desired in the district’s next superintendent.

Focus Group Meetings Overview:

The focus group meetings will be held at the LCSD55 Administrative Office located at 301 Hillcrest Drive in Laurens. The sessions will last approximately one hour each and provide an opportunity for different groups of stakeholders to voice their opinions on the superintendent selection process. The schedule is as follows:

Monday, March 18, 2024:

11:00 a.m.: District Principals

Principals from various schools within the district will gather to share their insights and expectations for the next superintendent.

1:00 p.m.: Cabinet Members

Cabinet members will have the chance to contribute their perspectives on the desired leadership qualities for the upcoming superintendent.

2:00 p.m.: District Office Staff

The district office staff will provide valuable input on the practical aspects and administrative requirements for the new superintendent.

3:30 p.m.: District Teacher Representatives (Teacher of the Year, etc.)

Representatives from the teaching staff, including distinguished teachers, will share their views on the educational leadership needed for the district.

6:00 p.m.: Community Meeting

An open community meeting will be held, inviting all interested community members to join and provide their thoughts on the superintendent search process.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024:

9:00 a.m.: District Assistant Principals

Assistant principals will convene to express their expectations and preferences regarding the next superintendent.

10:00 a.m.: District Directors & Coordinators

Directors and coordinators will share their perspectives on the strategic direction and coordination required from the new superintendent.

3:30 p.m.: School Improvement Councils, PTO Presidents, Advisory Councils

Representatives from school improvement councils, Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTOs), and advisory councils will provide community-based input.

6:00 p.m.: Community Meeting

A second community meeting will be held to accommodate those who couldn’t attend the previous session.

The launch of the superintendent search marks a crucial phase for Laurens County School District 55. By engaging various stakeholders through these focus group meetings, SCSBA aims to create a transparent and collaborative process in selecting a leader who will guide the district toward continued success. Community members are encouraged to participate and share their valuable insights during the scheduled meetings for the community – Monday, March 18 or Tuesday, March 19 at 6:00 pm.