Law enforcement officers form group to support Justin Britt for Sheriff

February 4, 2015

LEXINGTON, SC – A group of law enforcement officers from Lexington County have formed new group to show their support for Justin Britt in the race for Sheriff.

The group, called “Law Enforcement Officers for Justin Britt,” includes more than two dozen current and former law enforcement officers from various agencies. They say Britt’s “outstanding record of service” and his independence from politicians make him the best choice.

Co-chairing “Law Enforcement Officers for Britt” are: Henry Dukes of West Columbia, a retired lieutenant with the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department; Joey Bass, a current law enforcement officer who lives in Gilbert; and Dave McRoberts, a Lexington resident and current law enforcement officer.

“Justin Britt has an outstanding record of service, and an unblemished reputation for professionalism and dedication,” Bass said. “Plus, he’s the best choice to give Lexington County a fresh start, because he’s not connected to the political establishment.”

Britt, a Republican and a lifelong Lexington County resident, is an investigator with the Richland County Sheriff’s Department. For his outstanding service record, he recently received the Investigator of the Year Award.

Britt’s campaign slogan is “a fresh start” – a theme he selected to emphasize his independence from local politicians.

To drive the point home, he’s refusing to accept any endorsements from politicians. And rather than attending political events, he’s knocking on doors to personally meet voters.

The Republican Primary for Sheriff will be March 3.