LMASE Charleston City Group Hosts Tea Hoffman: Rethink the business of law!
October 24, 2012CHARLESTON, SC – The Legal Marketing Association Southeastern Chapter, Charleston City Group, will host an educational luncheon at Halls Chophouse at 434 King Street, on November 15, 2012 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Tea Hoffmann,Chief Strategy Officer for Parker Poe, will present on the advantages of running a law firm like a business, rather than as a traditional lawfirm. Hoffman will demonstrate the various ways law firms can betterfunction as a business and the profound impact that can have on theoverall success and profitability of the firm.
The presentationis open to all interested professionals and is directed towardsattorneys, managing partners, CFO’s or accounting staff, businessdevelopment and marketing professionals, and office administrators.Attorneys who attend should be eligible to receive one CLE creditthrough the South Carolina Bar, (approval pending). The cost is $30members / $40 non-members. Parking will be validated for those parkingat one of the city parking garages near King and Calhoun, between Maryand John Streets or at Meeting and John Streets.
Prior to joining Parker Poe earlier this year, Hoffman was the ChiefBusiness Development Officer at Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &Berkowitz, a 600-lawyer international firm based in Nashville, TN.
Hoffman frequently lectures on topics from using data to develop alaw practice to creating life-long client relationships. Her seminarFocus on Client Development was the most viewed online seminar in theU.S. for more than 20 weeks. In addition, Hoffmann is a professionalcoach and a certified Franklin Covey TMtrainer. She provideslegal coaching on a variety of subjects from business developmenttechniques to time management skills and leads the Franklin Covey Focusclass to law firms nationwide. She is also the author of The ProactivePractice, which is in its second printing.
The Legal Marketing Association (LMA) is a 25-year-old not-for-profit professional organization that serves the needs and maintains theprofessional standards of the men and women involved in marketing,business development, client service and communications within the legal profession. LMA also serves as a resource for practicing attorneys and law firm leaders looking to develop their practices and gaincompetitive advantage. The Southeastern Chapter serves nine states:Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, NorthCarolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. Learn more at www.legalmarketingassociation.org.
To register for the event, click here, or contact Sarah Murray at SaMurray@wcsr.com or (843) 576-5539.