Local Verizon Wireless Employee Honored With Award For Outstanding Customer Service

August 12, 2007

COLUMBIA, SC – August 10, 2007 – Columbia resident Dana Glymph, a senior customer service representative for Verizon Wireless’ Columbia Call Center, received an award from the company’s Chief Operating Officer Jack Plating during a recent employee town hall meeting. The award recognizes employees who provide outstanding customer service.

Glymph, a Verizon Wireless employee since 2005, is one of the center’s top performers and has received several written commendations from customers for providing outstanding customer service. She is one of 88 Verizon Wireless employees company-wide to receive this honor.

In presenting the award, Plating said, “Dana Glymph’s performance clearly shows she puts our customers first. She also recognizes the value of teamwork and provides excellent support to her peers.” Center Director Sharon Maestas added, “Dana has helped reinforce our center’s commitment to excellence and serving our customers.”

Verizon Wireless has a strong presence in South Carolina, with more than 4,500 employees. The company also operates call centers in North Charleston and Greenville, 21 Communications Stores and five Verizon Wireless stores at Circuit City. Verizon Wireless is ranked 24th on the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce’s Big 50 employer list, and the Columbia call center is ranked among the top 30 largest employers in the Midlands region.

In 2006, the company invested more than $130 million in its wireless network in South Carolina and more than $6 billion nationwide to continue to provide customers with the most reliable wireless network. Verizon Wireless now serves more than 62 million customers across the country and is the nation’s wireless leader in customer loyalty, based on customer retention and turnover rates announced publicly by the largest wireless providers. Nationally, Verizon Wireless has been named one of Working Mother magazine’s 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers for six years in a row and has been named by Health Magazine as one of the 10 best U.S. employers in terms of helping women balance their professional and personal responsibilities.

In each of the past six years, Verizon Wireless has been named one of the nation’s top 100 companies by Training magazine for its continued commitment to employee development and for connecting its training programs to business objectives.

About Verizon Wireless

Verizon Wireless operates the nation’s most reliable wireless voice and data network, serving 62.1 million customers. The largest US wireless company and largest wireless data provider, based on revenues, Verizon Wireless is headquartered in Basking Ridge, NJ, with 67,000 employees nationwide. The company is a joint venture of Verizon Communications (NYSE:VZ) and Vodafone (NYSE and LSE: VOD).

Find more information on the Web at www.verizonwireless.com. To preview and request broadcast-quality video footage and high-resolution stills of Verizon Wireless operations, log on to the Verizon Wireless Multimedia Library at www.verizonwireless.com/multimedia. ### Photo: Verizon Wireless Chief Operating Officer Jack Plating (left) and Northeast Area President Rick Conrad (right) present Senior Customer Service Representative Dana Glymph (center) with an award to recognize her excellent customer service.