Loggerhead Apparel Doubles Donations for Endangered Species Day

May 20, 2011

May 20th, 2011  – One Day Only – Loggerhead Apparel is a locallyowned South Carolina-made clothing company that donates a percentage ofthe revenue gained from the sale of all Loggerhead Apparel shirtsdirectly to local causes supporting the conservation and protection ofthe Loggerhead. Today, they are donating even more.

The Loggerhead Sea Turtle is an endangered species, and the coast ofSouth Carolina is extremely important to its survival.The textileindustry of South Carolina, once thriving, is as endangered as theLoggerhead, and has a huge impact on the economy of our state.  



  In honor of Endangered Species Day, we’re donating 20% of all online sales to Loggerhead conservation efforts today, May 20th. That’s double the amount that we donate from each shirt every day. This year, wehave already committed over $3,500 to Loggerhead sea turtleorganizations in South Carolina, and most recently, in Florida! Andwith more products on the way, we’re just getting started.

Please visit the Conservation page on our website to read more about what these organizations are doing to help our beloved Loggerheads. And they appreciate your support as much as we do, so please email us at info@loggerheadapparel.com if you’d like to get involved in their efforts.

Thanks again!
The Flotilla
