Mayor Riley Addresses Charleston Young Professionals

February 23, 2015

CHARLESTON, SC – Charleston Young Professionals, a division of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, hosted a sold out crowd of more than 100 young professionals on February 17 for YP Fuel: Beyond  the Gavel with Mayor Joseph P. Riley, Jr.

Young professionals in attendance had the opportunity to submit questions via Twitter and Mayor Riley also took questions from the crowd. The event featured a candid conversation with Mayor Riley providing insight on what prompted him to run for Mayor, one of his most memorable moments as Mayor as well as some words of advice for our region’s upcoming leaders.

“Charleston is attracting young, creative people who make the community better,” said Mayor Riley. “I am so happy to see all of your bright eyes, knowing that you are in the Charleston region. It makes me extremely excited and optimistic about our region’s future.”

Mayor Riley noted that he has enjoyed his tenure as mayor and is retiring because “it’s just time.” Mayor Riley, who has been in office for the majority of many of the attendee’s lives, received a standing ovation from the group of young professionals.

“Mayor Riley has had such an impact on our region and in creating a vibrant community where young professionals want to live, develop their careers and raise families,” said Erica Wright, director of Charleston Young Professionals. “This was a unique opportunity for young professionals to gain a deeper understanding of how Mayor Riley led the community to where it is today as well as a few pearls of wisdom.”



About Charleston Young Professionals

Founded in 1996 by the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce, Charleston Young Professionals is primary resource for emerging talent by providing  professional development, connection and regional educational opportunities to a membership of more than 1,000 young professional representing numerous industries within the Charleston region. Visit