McCormick County 250 Project

December 5, 2023

We will soon commemorate the 250th Anniversary of America!! What an exciting time!

South Carolina played a tremendous role in the American Revolution. As part of a larger South Carolina State 250 Project, the McCormick County 250 Project (MC250) will highlight Revolutionary War era events, people and places in McCormick County. The goal is to promote and celebrate McCormick County’s role in the American Revolution as well as to expand area tourism.

A large gateway sign is to be in Willington to point out the many other relevant sites, people and events in McCormick County that were part of a greater effort to win our independence from Britain. Other sites to be identified and enhanced are the Fort Charlotte site, Battle of Long Cane, New Bordeaux, Guillebeau House, Guillebeau Cemetery, and Fort Boone among others.

The MC250 project is in its early stages. Tasks at hand for the MC250 committee include coordination with local, state and federal agencies, historical research, grant applications, funding for installation of historic signs, artwork design and text for graphic depictions, printing, securing adequate cell service for use of QR codes, and a whole host of other related assignments.

MC250 is the county affiliate of the South Carolina American Revolution Sestercentennial Commission (SC250). MC250 is a community project that requires skills and talents of every nature. The scope of the project is quite large and diverse. If you have an interest in volunteering your expertise or even helping with legwork as needed, your participation is most welcome. We are also seeking additional historical information/maps, volunteers, private and corporate donations to bring the project to a successful conclusion in time to celebrate July 4th, 2026, and beyond. If interested, please contact MC250 Committee Chair, Charlotte Tallent, at [email protected].