Medal of Honor Recipient James L. Stone Passes Away at 89

November 13, 2012

Earned Nation’s Highest Award for Valor during the Korean War

MOUNT PLEASANT, SC – November 12, 2012 – The Congressional Medal of Honor Society announces that Colonel James L. Stone, Medal of Honor recipient, passed away Friday, November 9, 2012, in Arlington, Texas at the age of 89.

Colonel Stone was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas on December 27, 1922.  He spent 30 years in the military serving in both Korea and Vietnam.

He was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Dwight D. Eisenhower at a White House ceremony on October 27, 1953.

His heroic action occurred near Sakkogae, Korea, on November 21-22, 1951. As a First Lieutenant he served as a platoon leader with the 1st Cavalry Division, 3rd Platoon, Company E, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry regiment.

When his platoon, holding a vital outpost position, was attacked by overwhelming Chinese forces, 1st Lt. Stone stood erect and exposed to the terrific enemy fire calmly directed his men in the defense.  A defensive flame-thrower failing to function, he personally moved to its location, further exposing himself, and personally repaired the weapon.  Throughout a second attack, 1st Lt. Stone; though painfully wounded, personally carried the only remaining light machine-gun from place to place in the position in order to bring fire upon the Chinese advancing from 2 directions.  Throughout he continued to encourage and direct his depleted platoon in its hopeless defense.  Although again wounded, he continued the fight with his carbine, still exposing himself as an example to his men.  When this final overwhelming assault swept over the platoon’s position his voice could still be heard faintly urging his men to carry on, until he lost consciousness.

Funeral services are pending. There are 80 recipients alive today.

About the Congressional Medal of Honor Society
The Congressional Medal of Honor Society was chartered by Congress in 1958 and consists exclusively of the living recipients of our nation’s highest award for bravery in combat, the Medal of Honor. Those who wear this light blue ribbon and Medal around their neck are recipients of this prestigious award; they are not winners. Although it is common to refer to the Medal as the Congressional Medal of Honor, it is simply named the Medal of Honor, although, as stated, the Congress did establish the Society as the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.