MUSC Office of Health Promotion and Sodexo to host third annual healthy holiday live event

November 7, 2012

Friday, November 16 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Clyburn Research Center Plaza at MUSC
(located on the corner of President and Jonathan Lucas)

CHARLESTON, SC – Join us for Healthy Holiday Live! Greening the Season: Eco-Friendly Celebrations for a Healthier Future.

A panel of speakers will discuss topics related to greening holiday cooking, decorating, gifting and more. The main event features live cooking demonstrations by MUSC Executive Chefs Brett Cunningham and Ferando Middleton using organic, healthy and sustainable ingredients and culinary methods. Tasting samples and recipes will be provided and representatives from MUSC and the Charleston community will be available to answer questions and provide information on keeping it green and healthy this holiday season. The MUSC Farmers Market and local businesses will also be on hand, providing green products and services for the holidays and throughout the year.
Contact: Tony Ciuffo, MUSC Public Relations ( or 843-792-2626) or Susan Johnson, Ph.D., Office of Health Promotion ( or 843-792-1245).
The MUSC Office of Health Promotion and Sodexo are dedicated to helping our community stay healthy and happy throughout the holiday season. In keeping with our mission to improve health and maximize quality of life, MUSC is becoming a leader in promoting local, healthy, sustainable choices and celebrates these efforts with the community at this annual event.