National African American Bone Marrow Awareness month donor drive
July 18, 2012 Tuesday, July 24, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
MUSC Colbert Education Center and Library Portico
169 Ashley Ave
CHARLESTON, SC – July 17, 2012 – Established in 2009 by the U.S. Congress, Be The Match® is recognizing African American Bone Marrow Awareness Month throughout July to raise awareness about the critical need for African Americans to join the Be The Match Registry®.
Patients usually find a suitable donor in someone with a similar ethnic background. But just 7 percent of the nation’s 10 million registered potential bone marrow donors are African American. To improve this number, Be The Match is hosting registry events nationwide to encourage more African Americans to step forward and join the Be The Match Registry.
Patients and donors from cities across America will also travel to Washington, D.C. on July 18 to meet with members of Congress. These advocates will share their personal stories and encourage Congress to continue its support of the program.