New Veteran Support Nonprofit Organization Established in Laurens County

July 7, 2024

Earlier this year, John M. Reeder, a Laurens native and dedicated veteran, founded the Veterans Assistance and Support Foundation (VASF), a new nonprofit organization aimed at supporting local veterans.

John M. Reeder’s extensive service background includes being a United States Marine Corps Veteran, a former member of the South Carolina State Guard, and an active member of American Legion Post 25, where he currently serves as the Post Adjutant. His commitment to veteran causes has been evident throughout his career, and it was this dedication that inspired him to establish VASF.

“Having served in various capacities and witnessing firsthand the challenges veterans face, I realized there was a pressing need for additional support,” said Reeder. “After much contemplation and hands-on experience helping fellow veterans, I decided to take a leap of faith and create an organization dedicated to assisting veterans in their time of need.”

The Veterans Assistance and Support Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, ensuring that all donations are tax-deductible. The foundation’s mission is to provide comprehensive support to veterans, addressing their unique needs and helping them navigate the challenges they encounter after their service.

Reeder has outlined specific plans for VASF, including providing financial assistance for utilities and small home repairs. “If veterans can’t afford supplies, we want to step in and help get those supplies. Eventually, we aim to partner with other organizations for vetting purposes. If they have someone in need and their funding is low, we want to be able to support them as well,” Reeder explained.

In most cases, funding from VASF will go directly to the necessary payments. “For example, if it’s a power bill, we would pay the power company directly on behalf of the veteran,” Reeder said. He emphasized that none of the funding will be used to compensate volunteers; all contributions will be directed to helping veterans in need.

Community support is vital to the success of VASF. Reeder encourages those who wish to contribute to visit the organization’s website at and use the donate button. Alternatively, donations can be arranged by contacting him directly at (864) 202-3550.

“We are committed to making a positive impact on the lives of veterans in Laurens County and beyond,” Reeder added. “With the community’s support, we can provide the assistance and resources our veterans deserve.”

For more information about the Veterans Assistance and Support Foundation and how you can help, please visit their website or contact John M. Reeder.

Veterans Assistance and Support Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.