Non Profit Minute – Laura Allen, Children’s Cancer Partners

September 18, 2018

The Who’s on the Move, BizSC, Non Profit Minute is a quick, one minute interview in support of the amazing impact that local non profits have on our communities.

We would like to thank our sponsors of this video series – The Sisters of Charity Foundation and NP Strategy.




Laura Allen, Executive Director, Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas

September is childhood cancer awareness month. Cancer is the number 1 disease killer of children and each year in the Carolinas, 600 children are diagnosed with the disease.

The mission of Children’s Cancer Partners is to provide comprehensive support and loving compassion to families whose children are battling cancer to improve their overall quality of life.

CCP has four main program areas to achieve its mission.

Financial Support

Many families need help with paying for travel to cancer treatments and meals and lodging while they are there. CCP’s primary focus is to ensure that families have the resources necessary to get their child to the most appropriate care possible whether it is in the Carolinas (in Greenvile, Columbia or Charleston) or through a more specialized program in New York, Atlanta or elsewhere.

Family Connections

CCP hosts events and activities throughout the year that provide an opportunity for children and their families to connect with others who are battling cancer.

Family Assistance

In addition to financial help, many families need assistance with making travel arrangements and accessing other resources during their time of crisis.  CCP’s staff can help parents manage the overwhelming details that come with coordinating and gaining access to care for their child.

Camp Victory

Held each summer, Camp Victory is a unique summer camp experience designed just for the children served by CCP and their siblings.