Non Profit Minute – Leslie Skardon, Sustain SC

April 18, 2024

Sustain SC is a member-driven organization that connects the sustainability goals of businesses in South Carolina with local solutions for the benefit of our economy, environment, and people. After decades of collaboration, Sustain SC was publicly launched in 2021 and has continued to pave the way for the state’s leading corporate and environmental stakeholders to form partnerships creating solutions that better South Carolina’s natural resource and economic infrastructures.

South Carolina has the unique opportunity to capitalize on both widespread economic growth and the sustainable revolution and Sustain SC supports that by playing a pivotal role in attracting new industries and enhancing existing industries in the state. Uniting stakeholders at the intersection of commerce and conservations lays the groundwork for sustainable practices that will shape the future of South Carolina.

As Sustain SC rolls out the Roadmap to Sustain SC, the need for stakeholder collaboration is more important than ever. Sustain SC and its members will continue to pursue a more resilient future for the state using a holistic approach that fosters economic prosperity for all types of industries, creates new jobs, prioritizes a circular economy, and conserves natural resources. These collective actions will establish South Carolina as a leader in sustainable economic development.

Below is our full and separate conversation with Leslie Skardon. you can also listen to this interview on Apple and Spotify. Just search for the WhosOnTheMove SC podcast and please consider subscribing.