Noteblur, meeting management tool, launched in Columbia

January 7, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – Noteblur, a recurring meeting management tool, has launched this week after a 3 month development initiative by Columbia native and veteran entrepreneur Kevin Tavera.  “I saw the problems with managing and documenting recurring meetings in various business enterprises I was involved in and thought – there has to be a better way.” says Kevin.  The product allows users to quickly look back at the last meeting session for reference and puts an end to emailing around Word documents with meeting minutes.

In the competitive space of “note taking apps” Noteblur aims to carve out a niche in the corporate sector of recurring meetings where the ability to identify action items assigned to a person along with general meeting notes is mission critical. The applications to the legal, tech and government sectors are endless and in a world of ad hoc Word documents with meeting minutes buried in users inboxes Noteblur might be able to find a foothold.

For more information or any questions feel free to contact [email protected]