OLH Inc. partnering with Home Works of America

August 10, 2018


Atlanta based organization, OLH Inc. donated 2 vehicles to Home Works of America (Home Works). Home Works is a faith-based nonprofit organization providing Home Repair Services to low-income homeowners while mentoring and discipling youth in the process.

OLH Inc. is an Atlanta-based project management firm founded in 1993 to offer comprehensive and specialized Project, Program, and Construction Management services. In everything we do, we incorporate the three guiding principles of OLH: PASSION, believing in the right things. INTEGRITY, acting on those beliefs. DEDICATION, being committed to accomplishing what we set out to achieve.

OLH’s Director and CEO Gina Bennett-Norris remarked, “As a small business we are so pleased we have the ability, as well as the opportunity, to donate these two vehicles to Home Works of America. Our desire is to help those in the communities we live and work in, and we are confident by partnering with Home Works we can accomplish this. We are hoping these vehicles will allow Home Works to continue their goal of investing in and providing for our communities.”

“Home Works of America is so excited and so blessed to have received these two new work vehicles from OLH Inc.” said Home Works of America Executive Director, Joe Huggins. “God’s timing is perfect! With two of our older trucks needing to be rotated out of the fleet due to high mileage – OLH’s contribution will now ensure that Home Works can provide compassionate construction to our state and region for years to come! Our employees can now safely navigate the state previewing homes and providing free home repair to those in need. We are so thankful for OLH and our new friendship.”