Owen certified as a Family Court Mediator

December 11, 2024

Morton & Gettys partner Elizabeth Smith Owen has earned certification as a Family Court Mediator from the South Carolina Board of Arbitrator and Mediator Certification.

An experienced family law attorney at Morton & Gettys, Owen long has represented clients in family law mediations that are required in most South Carolina divorce and child custody cases. As a certified mediator, she will continue to use her legal skills and experience to help parties reach legal agreements without the pain and expense of lengthy litigation.

To earn the certification, Owen had to complete at least 40 hours of formal training and demonstrate familiarity with the laws and rules governing mediation.

She became the second certified family court mediator at Morton & Gettys. Partner Michael B. Smith is also certified.

A graduate of the University of South Carolina School of Law, Owen is a member of the South Carolina Family Law American Inn of Court. She is a master, a designation reserved for experienced attorneys. She also is a member of the South Carolina Bar Judicial Qualifications Committee that evaluates all candidates for the South Carolina Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Circuit Court, Family Court and administrative law judgeships.


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Established in 2001 in Rock Hill, South Carolina, Morton & Gettys, LLC, is a growing firm that represents clients throughout South Carolina and beyond. Our attorneys counsel corporations, businesses of all sizes and individuals with a range of needs. The wide scope of practice areas includes business and corporate law, commercial and residential real estate, estate planning and probate law, personal injury as a result of automobile accidents and more. The firm includes experienced litigators, veteran divorce and child custody lawyers, and attorneys well-versed in drunk-driving law and other areas of criminal defense. For more information about our firm, please visit mortongettys.com. For more information about our personal injury practice, please visit mortongettysinjury.com.