Palmetto Healthy Start, SC Chapter of March of Dimes, Low Country Healthy Start and Stork’s Nest, Inc., honor “Heroes in the Field”
September 26, 2012September is Infant Mortality Awareness Month
COLUMBIA,SC – The Palmetto Healthy Start, in collaboration with March of DimesSouth Carolina Chapter, Low Country Healthy Start and Stork’s Nest willhold the six annual Heroes in the Field event on Thursday, September 27at the Seawell’s Banquet and Reception Center – 1125 Rosewood Drive. The event will began with a symposium at 8:30am and the morning willconsist of speakers from various maternal and child health professions. More than 100 health educators are expected to be in attendance at this year’s event.
During the lunch event, honorees Tony Keck,Carolyn Nance, Debra Nelson, Richard Richardson MD, and David Marsh MDwill receive an award to recognize their significant contributions toreduce the incidence of infant mortality in South Carolina. DarciStrickland will serve as the Mistress of Ceremonies and Ms. CarolBlocker, Executive Director and founder of Melanie’s Battle, anon-profit organization that is awaking the world to the devastatingeffects of Postpartum Psychosis will serve as the guest speaker. She is a retired teacher, mother, grandmother, and now an advocate to an illness that just several years ago was foreign to her until she lost herbeloved daughter Melanie Blocker- Stokes to this devastating illness.Ms. Blocker resides in Chicago, Illinois.
Infant mortality is asignificant indicator of health. In 2010, South Carolina’s infantmortality rate was 7.4 per 1,000 live births. This is significantconsidering more than 430 babies did not live to see their firstbirthday. With a national rate of 6.75, South Carolina ranks 43rd forhighest rate of infant mortality. Much more work needs to be done tosave our babies!
Palmetto Healthy Start Heroes in the Fieldevent was an idea launched in 2006 by Palmetto Healthy Start. Eachyear, the National Healthy Start Association kicks-off a nationalcampaign to focus on infant mortality awareness. Healthy Startorganizations across the country are encouraged to participate. As aresult of this national effort, Palmetto Healthy Start created theHeroes in the Field Awards Luncheon to recognize individuals in ourlocal area for their contribution in decreasing the rate of infantmortality in our state.
Palmetto Healthy Start is a member of theNational Healthy Start initiative and is operated through a federallyfunded grant received by Palmetto Health. Its mission is to reduceinfant mortality and the number of low birth-weight babies, as well asother health disparities, in Richland, Fairfield, Lexington and Sumtercounties through education and outreach.
Co-sponsor by
Each year, the South Carolina Chapter of the March of Dimes invests inmission initiatives statewide, including research grants and localcommunity services. Through these program services, the March of Dimescontinues working to prevent birth defects and infant death, reduceSouth Carolina’s premature birth rate, increase access to prenatal careand educate healthcare providers and women about having healthy babies.
The March of Dimes is the leading nonprofit organization for pregnancy andbaby health. With chapters nationwide, the March of Dimes works toimprove the health of babies by preventing birth defects, prematurebirth and infant mortality. For the latest resources and information,visit Find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.