Partnership brings awareness to pedestrian safety on Main Street

January 25, 2017

The City of Columbia Bike Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is working with the City Center Partnership (CCP) to bring awareness to pedestrian safety on Main Street.

“We were very pleased to partner with BPAC and the City to install the signs along Main Street. The pedestrian walkability and bikeability along Main Street is one of its greatest assets,” CCP President and CEO Matthew Kennell said.

The City Public Works Department installed new yield signs at mid-block crossings last week.

In addition, bike signs that were placed on Main Street a few years ago have been updated with fresh graphics and more durable signage.

“We’re really happy to start the year with both of these signs downtown. We want to encourage more people to walk and bike,” Kennell said.

For more information, contact John Fellows at 803-545-3215 or Leigh DeForth at 803-545-4864.