Port Cruise Terminal Economic Impact Numbers to be Released at Chamber Community Connect
March 4, 2011CHARLESTON, SC – March 9, 2011 – The Charleston Metro Chamber’s Charleston CommunityConnect will host Peter Lehman, Director of Business Development, SouthCarolina State Ports Authority who will give an update on the newdowntown cruise terminal, Wednesday, March 9, 7:30 – 9 a.m. at theFrancis Marion Hotel.
The Chamber’s Center for Business Research will also release theprojected economic impact numbers that the new cruise terminal will have on the region.
Progress continues toward a new cruise terminal on the northern end ofUnion Pier and the redevelopment of the southern end of the property.Last month, three teams responded to a request for proposals for theterminal design.
Later this month, the South Carolina State Ports Authority will selectthe design team for the new terminal, which is expected to open in thethird quarter of 2012. Opening the new cruise terminal represents thefirst step in the redevelopment of the Union Pier Terminal property,which comprises 35 acres of waterfront in Charleston’s historicdistrict.
Cruises in Charleston, meanwhile, are greatly contributing to localbusinesses in a variety of industries, bringing a $37 million economicimpact to the region last year. The Ports Authority expects 90 cruiseships in 2011.
Lehman will also discuss the upcoming Union Pier construction and redevelopment and give the audience a chance to ask questions.
The cost to attend the Community Connect is $20 for Members, $40 for Non-members (includes breakfast). To register visit www.charletonchamber.net/orgcalendar.
About the Charleston Metro Chamber: With more than 2,000 members, theCharleston Metro Chamber of Commerce serves as the catalyst foradvancing our region’s economy, improving our quality of life andenhancing our members’ success.