Restaurant Business Seminar in Myrtle Beach in January

January 8, 2014

Myrtle Beach, SC – January 8-9, 2014 – Myrtle Beach Area Small Business Development Center (SBDC) located at Coastal Carolina University is sponsoring a 2-day conference. Day 1 is designed for any small business owner wishing to design and maintain a webpage for their business. Day 2 focuses on restaurants and provides information on the following topics: How to Buy/Sell a Restaurant, Financing Your Restaurant, Franchising Restaurants, Restaurant Best Practices (from area experts), DHEC: New Regulations, Designing a Marketing Plan, Quick Books for Restaurants, Insurance: Where are you exposed, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and Social Media Marketing. A panel of restaurant experts will also be on available to answer questions from the audience.  Restaurant suppliers will lead sessions discussing Options Beyond the Basics. Finally, area lenders will participate in a lender’s roundtable.

The Restaurant Business Development Conference will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2014 and Thursday, January 9, 2014 in the E. Craig Wall College of Business. Registration is required. To download detailed conference information, please visit  Breakfast and lunch are included with registration and are provided both conference days. To register visit or call 843-349-4010, 843-347-6914, or 843-349-5070.