S.C. BlueCross Foundation launches new funding for innovative health solutions

June 18, 2019

The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation is encouraging organizations to apply for a new grant opportunity to improve the health and well-being of South Carolinians. The Catalyst grants initiative focuses on fostering innovative approaches designed to accelerate and advance strategies that improve health.

According to Foundation Executive Director Erika Kirby, the intent of the Catalyst grants is to spur creativity and provide the state’s health care community an opportunity to explore different strategies to improve the health of South Carolinians. “We are looking for organizations that are identifying the community need, collaborating to build shared understanding and testing or implementing different approaches or newfound solutions,” said Kirby.

The grant requests should align with the Foundation’s mission and funding priorities, which include access to care, improving the quality and value of health care, and improving the health of South Carolina children and families particularly the economically vulnerable.

Questions organizations must answer for Catalyst grant funding includes:

  • How does this project address a challenge to health?
  • What will success look like at the completion of this project?
  • What information will be generated from the project?

A limited number of one-year grants will be considered for funding up to $25,000. Applicants must be nonprofit organizations that have a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. Only one proposal can be submitted from an organization.

Applications are now being accepted; organizations can learn more about the funding priorities or apply by visiting bcbsscfoundation.org and can email questions to [email protected].


About the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation

Headquartered in Columbia, the foundation is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Its mission is to promote and support healthier South Carolinians, particularly the economically vulnerable, by supporting solutions to address gaps in health care and serving as an agent of change to support innovation and value-added public-private partnerships.

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