S.C. Teacher Cadet Program Grows Nationally

August 6, 2008

ROCK HILL, SC – August 4, 2008 – Teacher Cadets, the flagship program of the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA), continues to grow nationally and expand the program’s ability to enhance teacher recruitment.

After conducting curriculum training sessions throughout the summer, 181 instructors from 16 states have received the endorsement to offer the program in their schools. The New Jersey Department of Education hosted a curriculum training session June 30-July 2 for 50 teachers making it the 30th state to offer the Teacher Cadet program on the school, district, or state level since the program first began in South Carolina 22 years ago. CERRA hosted a curriculum training session at its office on the campus of Winthrop University July 21-23 for 34 teachers whose districts stretched across the United States from Connecticut to California.

“The quality of the program speaks for itself,” said Tria Grant, CERRA Program Director for pre-collegiate recruitment. “First and foremost we are committed to attracting talented students to become high quality teachers in South Carolina; however we believe every child across the country deserves the same. So, we do our part to help with grassroots teacher recruitment nationally.”

The Teacher Cadet program was piloted in four South Carolina high schools in 1986-1987 as a senior-level course targeted to attract and recruit talented students into the teaching profession. The Teacher Cadet program has served more than 42,000 students and in 2007-2008 2,200 students participated in the program in 162 high school classrooms. An added benefit for South Carolina students participating in the Teacher Cadet is the opportunity to receive one to three college credit hours through the program’s partnerships with teacher education institutions South Carolina.

With its rapid growth in South Carolina, the Teacher Cadet program soon became a sought after nationally known high school program designed to help students understand the unique opportunities of teaching as a career option. Students complete field placements in public school classrooms, explore issues in education and learn about curriculum development and learning strategies.

In 2006-07, 146 instructors were trained in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, South Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.

CERRA, an independent state agency located on the campus of Winthrop University, is the oldest and most established teacher recruitment program in the country. The purpose of CERRA is to provide leadership in identifying, attracting, placing and retaining well-qualified individuals for the teaching profession in South Carolina. CERRA’s programs have been adopted at school, district and state levels in more than 30 states in the United States.