SCAEOP Names New President

March 3, 2015

COLUMBIA, SC – The South Carolina Association of Educational Office Professionals (SCAEOP) has named Georgette Council, CEOE its 33rd President. The SCAEOP held its annual conference in Myrtle Beach, SC February 26 – March 1 where the president and newly elected and appointed board members were installed. Mrs. Council holds a B.S. in Business Administration and is currently employed as the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Secretary to the Board of Trustees in Richland School District Two. She has been employed with Richland School District Two for 12 years and has been an administrative professional for over 30 years.

The SCAEOP is a proud organization that represents the educational office professionals across the state. They provide professional development, networking and scholarship opportunities to their members. Additionally, they provide a student scholarship and engage in community service initiatives across the state. They are also affiliated with the National Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP), the only organization that offers a national certification specifically for educational office professionals.


If you are interested in knowing more about the SCAEOP, please visit their website at They can also be found on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Pinterest.