SCANPO to Host 2013 Nonprofit Summit

February 25, 2013

GREENVILLE, SC –  March 13th to 15th, 2013 – Together. For Good. This is the title of the 2013Nonprofit Summit that will take place on March 13th to 15th at the Hyatt Regency in Greenville.

The Summit, hosted by the South CarolinaAssociation of Nonprofit Organizations (SCANPO), will feature keynotespeakers, sessions, exhibitors, and pre-summit workshops. It is anannual conference that brings together more than 400 nonprofitvolunteers and leaders from across the state.

This year, theleading keynote speaker is Robert Lupton, author of Toxic Charity.Lupton is the founder and president of FCS Urban Ministries, a nonprofit organization that focuses on rebuilding urban neighborhoods. In hisbook, Toxic Charity, Lupton argues that repeatedly offering charity tothe poor can create dependency, rather than breaking the cycle ofspiritual and physical poverty. In addition to being the keynote speaker at the 2013 SCANPO Conference, Lupton will also facilitate a pre-summit workshop for grantmakers and human needs providers and related session.

SCANPO has also focused on marketing challenges, including sessions with KiviMiller, president of the Nonprofit Marketing Guide. Miller teaches aweekly webinar series and writes a leading blog on nonprofit communications. She is also the author of “The Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause.”  More than 3,000 nonprofits frommore than 30 countries have participated in Miller’s webinars.

This is SCANPO’s second collaboration with the three South Carolina chapters of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP).  This statewidecollaboration will culminate in a pre-summit workshop hosted by AFP onMarch 13th featuring a presentation by fundraising consultant MarthaSchumacher followed by breakout sessions with various AFP leaders ontopics ranging from “Making the Ask” to “Getting PR for Your Nonprofit”to “Fundraising with No Staff.”  Founded in 1960, AFP advancesphilanthropy through its more than 30,000 members in 230 chaptersthroughout the world.

We are delighted to bring such stellarspeakers and leaders to SCANPO’s 2013 Conference, says Madeleine McGee, president of SCANPO. SCANPO seeks to raise the bar for nonprofitgovernance and efficacy because that is what ultimately raises qualityof life in our South Carolina communities, she adds.

The Summit will kick off on Wednesday, March 13th with a series of three workshops:

All nonprofit leaders, volunteers, members and those interested in learning more about this vital industry sector are encouraged to attend thisyear’s conference. Registration is now open at


The South Carolina Association of Nonprofit Organizations, founded in 1997, is the only statewide network that brings together charitable nonprofit organizations to strengthen the effectiveness of SC’s nonprofit sector. SCANPO’s mission is to make a difference in the lives of SC citizensthrough strengthening the leadership and management capacities ofnonprofit organizations that serve them. This is accomplished throughadvocacy, professional development, collaboration and resourcedevelopment. Membership is open to any 501(c)(3) organization and others whose work relates to the nonprofit sector. SCANPO members receivenumerous benefits, including access to a statewide job listing serviceand a directory of nonprofit consulting resources. For more informationabout SCANPO, visit, or call (803) 929-0399