SCE&G Announces Programs to help Customers Manage Summer Energy Costs

August 31, 2007

COLUMBIA, SC – Aug. 30, 2007 – As customers begin getting their bills for one of the hottest months on record, South Carolina Electric & Gas (SCE&G) would like to tell customers about two programs that can help them pay their bills and manage their budgets.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Low income customers can apply for federal funding recently allocated to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). It is important to note that while the funds have been designated for South Carolina, the dollars will not be available for at least three to four weeks. Once funding is released locally, monies will be distributed through local community action agencies (a list of local agencies is attached). To find out more about the program and eligibility requirements, call the South Carolina Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity at (803) 734-0662.

Easy Payment Plan (EPP)
Additionally, any SCE&G customer can gain regularity in their monthly bill through the company’s Easy Payment Plan (EPP). While EPP does not lower energy bills, it does provide consistency by allowing customers to spread their annual energy consumption evenly over a 12 month period. At the end of the year, any difference between payment and actual usage is calculated and then credited to or debited from the customer’s account.

For more information on the Easy Payment Plan, call 1-800-251-7234 or visit to register through an online account.

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company is a regulated public utility engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to approximately 633,000 customers in 24 counties in central, southern and southwestern portions of South Carolina. The company also provides natural gas service to approximately 300,000 customers in 35 counties in the state. Information about SCE&G is available on the company’s web site at

Community Action Agencies

Aiken/Barnwell/Lexington County Commission
Aiken/Barnwell/Lexington counties

Lexington County

Beaufort/Jasper Economic Opportunity Commission
Beaufort/Jasper counties

Berkeley-Dorchester County Economic Development Corporation
Berkeley/Dorchester counties

Carolina Community Actions
Chester, Fairfield, York, Union, Lancaster counties

Charleston County Human Services Commission
Charleston County

Chesterfield-Marlboro Economic Opportunity Council
Chesterfield/Marlboro counties

Darlington County Community Action Agency
Darlington County

GLEAMNS Human Resource Commission
Greenwood, Laurens, Edgefield, Abbeville, McCormick, Saluda, Newberry counties

Lowcountry Community Action
Colleton/Hampton counties

O-C-A-B-C Community Action Agency
Orangeburg, Calhoun, Allendale, Bamberg counties

Pee Dee Community Action Agency
Florence, Dillon, Marion counties

Waccamaw Economic Opportunity Council
Horry, Georgetown, Williamsburg counties

Wateree Community Actions
Sumter, Kershaw, Clarendon, Lee, Richland counties