SCE&G Names Presidents to Lead Core Focus Areas of Power Generation and Retail Operations

October 28, 2011

CAYCE, SC – October 27, 2011 – SCANA Corporation (NYSE: SCG)announced today that Steve Byrne has been named president of SouthCarolina Electric & Gas Company Generation and Keller Kissam hasbeen named president of SCE&G Retail Operations, effective December1, 2011.  Byrne and Kissam assume their roles simultaneously withSCE&G President and SCANA President and Chief Operating OfficerKevin Marsh, beginning his tenure as SCANA chairman and chief executiveofficer. William Timmerman, SCANA’s current chairman and CEO, willretire effective November 30, following 14 years as the company’s topexecutive.

When we announced Kevin Marsh as my successor earlier this year, wecarefully considered the best way to structure leadership for SCE&Gfor the future.  Constructing and integrating two new nuclear units intoour generation fleet is a major area of focus for our company.  At thesame time, we’re operating in an increasingly complex regulatoryenvironment and incorporating changes in technology to operate oursystems efficiently and serve our customers effectively, saidTimmerman.  The selection of these two gifted individuals will ensurethat we maintain the optimal level of focus on our current and futurebusiness requirements.

As we move forward, we remain committed to bringing our two newnuclear plants online, and to maintaining high standards for customerservice, system reliability and safety, explained Marsh. These are alltremendous areas of responsibility. We’re fortunate to have theexpertise and leadership in-house and to be able to fully align theirexperience and strengths with core focus areas for our company.

As president of SCE&G Generation and chief operating officer ofSCE&G, Byrne will be responsible for a diversified fleet ofgeneration, including SCE&G’s plans to construct two new nuclearplants, as well as demand side management, alternative energystrategies, system control and transmission planning and compliance.

Byrne has 27 years of experience in the nuclear industry, and hasbeen with SCE&G since 1995, most recently serving as executive vicepresident for generation and transmission, as well as COO.  He alsopreviously served as the company’s chief nuclear officer.
He is the current president of the Carolinas Virginia Nuclear PowerAssociates, Inc. Decommissioning Project and chairman of the nuclearindustry’s New Plant Oversight Committee. In addition, he serves on theSouth Carolina Governor’s Nuclear Advisory Council, University of SouthCarolina Nuclear Engineering Advisory Board, Westinghouse Quality FuelsCouncil, Savannah River National Lab Advisory Board and the United Wayof the Midlands and Community Impact Council.

A native of West Hartlepool, England, Byrne has a Bachelors of Science Degree in engineering from Wayne State University.
As president of SCE&G Retail, Kissam will be responsible forcustomer service, reliability and operating excellence for electric andgas operations of the company.  He has worked for the company for 23years in various capacities including vice president of South CarolinaPipeline Corporation, vice president of SCE&G gas operations, aswell as vice president of SCE&G electric operations.  His currentrole is senior vice president of retail operations.

A native of Creston, S.C., Kissam is a graduate of The Citadel, wherehe served as regimental commander of the South Carolina Corps of Cadetsand was a recipient of the Order of the Palmetto.

He is currently president of the South Carolina Independent SchoolAssociation and a member of The Citadel Hall of Fame Committee andFormer Regimental Commanders’ Association. He also has served as aSunday school teacher at Shandon United Methodist Church for 15 years.

Both Byrne and Kissam will report directly to Marsh, CEO for SCANA.


SCANA Corporation, a Fortune 500 company headquartered in Cayce,SC, is an energy-based holding company principally engaged, throughsubsidiaries, in electric and natural gas utility operations and otherenergy-related businesses. Information about SCANA and its businesses isavailable on the Company’s website at