SCFB urges DHEC to await study completion before enacting new regulations

August 29, 2018

South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation publicly entered comments to the Department of Health and Environmental Control’s proposed “Western Capacity Use Area” on June 25, 2018. These comments were submitted in preparation for a DHEC Board meeting where the proposal will be considered. South Carolina Farm Bureau is committed to protecting precious natural resources that are critical to the sustainability and future of the state.

South Carolina has invested considerable resources on a Groundwater Availability Assessment through the State Water Plan process, but this assessment has not been completed yet. In a State Water Plan update before the Senate Agriculture Committee on March 21, 2018, SCDNR reported that the Groundwater Availability Assessment is scheduled to be completed by February 2019. A robust stakeholder process for a State Water Plan update is actively being pursued by DHEC, DNR and Clemson, and a comprehensive water plan will be presented based on those studies.

“We believe it would be prudent to wait until the study is published before any new regulations are placed on water users,” said Harry Ott, President of South Carolina Farm Bureau. “Once the report is completed, we have confidence that state leaders will make the right decision to best protect this precious natural resource.”

South Carolina Farm Bureau has consistently based water policies on sound science and will adjust policies as necessary to reflect scientific findings. SCFB will continue to engage in the conversation around a Western Capacity Use Area proposal and represent the best interests of its members while being respectful to the needs and concerns of all citizens of the state. For more information, contact Stephanie Sox ([email protected]).