School District 5 Upgrades Security with A3 Communications, Inc.
September 6, 2007COLUMBIA, SC – August 2007 – School District 5 of Lexington & Richland Counties has awarded a multi-year contract to A3 Communications to provide comprehensive security systems for all 20 schools across the District. A3 has completed installation of Axis IP Security Cameras and S2 Access Control Units in most schools in the District and will have cameras deployed in every school before sessions resume in August.
The district is being equipped with a cost effective solution that will help deter vandalism and ensure the safety of staff and students. With 20 schools and a total of 255 cameras the school district will now be equipped with 24/7 transmission of real-time images over the internet.
The security surveillance and remote monitoring of playgrounds, halls, classrooms and parking lots will help School District 5 to provide a more protected environment for all.