SCRA Technology Ventures Announces Partnership

June 1, 2015

CHARLESTON, SC – SCRA Technology Ventures announced the partnership of Charleston-based SC Launch Program Client, Job Market Maker, and Resource Partner Network member, Silicon Harbor Communications.

“We are pleased to bring these two companies together to help accelerate South Carolina’s high-tech economy,” said SCRA CEO Bill Mahoney. “The very reason we promote these partnerships is to further the overall economic impact in the state.”

Job Market Maker, a Charleston technology company providing cloud-based, analytical recruiting and hiring services, was accepted into the SC Launch Client program last year. Client companies accepted into the SC Launch economic development program receive mentoring and other support services. These companies may be eligible to receive matching grant funds or larger investment funds.

“While we were pleased with our entry into the market, we knew we needed a more focused marketing effort to scale for the future,” said Joseph Hanna, Founder and CEO of Job Market Maker. “Leveraging an SCRA Resource Partner like Silicon Harbor Communications was a logical and economical step for us to move to the next level.”

Silicon Harbor Communications, accepted as an SCRA Resource Partner in August 2014, provides marketing communications services for startup companies. Members of the Resource Partner Network offer their services to SC Launch companies to help promote their growth, often at a significant discount to SC Launch companies.

“Our goal is to help emerging South Carolina companies grow,” said Paul Swiergosz, Principal at Silicon Harbor Communications. “The SCRA Resource Partner Network helps match companies like Job Market Maker who possess huge potential with seasoned professionals who can provide necessary services to help them thrive. It’s a win for all involved.”



About SCRA Technology Ventures

SCRA Technology Ventures enables research commercialization and promotes the development of high tech industries, enhancing South Carolina’s technology-based economy. Through its flagship SC Launch program, this SCRA business sector makes investments in and offers support services to South Carolina’s early stage, start-up technology companies. Multiple economic impact studies show SCRA’s cumulative output on South Carolina’s economy to be over $18.1 billion, helping create approximately 15,000 technology-related jobs in the state, with annual wages averaging between $55,000 and $77,000.


About Job Market Maker

Job Market Maker is a multi-sided platform that mediates all parts of the job market using talent science and predictive analytics. The platform offers innovative solutions for recruiting, closing the skills gap and career development.


About Silicon Harbor Communications

Silicon Harbor Communications is a team of senior public relations and marketing consultants bringing more than a century of national and international communications experience to the Charleston, S.C. area.

