SeamonWhiteside outpaces volunteer time and fundraising through 2023 philanthropic efforts

December 20, 2023

SeamonWhiteside Outpaces Volunteer Time and Fundraising Through 2023 Philanthropic Efforts

Offices in Mount Pleasant, Charlotte, and Greenville champion employees’ charities and give-back efforts

SeamonWhiteside (SW+), a full-service site design firm with offices throughout the Carolinas, has surpassed previous fundraising and volunteer efforts throughout the communities in which it operates in 2023. Demonstrating a steadfast commitment to community enhancement across its five offices, these philanthropic endeavors were outstanding due to the close ties employees have with the local organizations. From breaking new fundraising records in Mount Pleasant, S.C., mentoring youth in Charlotte, N.C., and providing civil engineering and landscape architectural services to a non-profit in Greenville, S.C., SeamonWhiteside has given back tremendously to the Carolinas in 2023.

“This year has been an exceptional mix of blending employee passions with community involvement,” says Russ Seamon, President at SeamonWhiteside. “We love to give back to our communities, and it’s even better when we can participate in causes that are near and dear to our employees’ hearts. Our people get immense pride in donating time, expertise, and funds to make a difference in our surrounding neighborhoods.”

The SW+ Lowcountry Offices supported the Lowcountry Heart Walk by raising $21,000 this year, setting a new record and doubling efforts from the year prior. While SeamonWhiteside has contributed to the Lowcountry Heart Walk for seven years, in 2023, the company showed up in an even larger way to support an employee with a personal connection to this cause. Additionally, SW+ continued its community efforts by volunteering for Sea Island Habitat for Humanity and sponsoring three therapy play modules with the Lowcountry’s PlayToday Foundation.

The SW+ Charlotte office was equally involved in multiple philanthropic efforts within the community. In an effort to share knowledge and expertise, SeamonWhiteside team members helped lead an impactful mentorship program at Myers Park High School, offering guidance and encouragement to those students interested in pursuing a career in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (A.E.C.) industry. In addition, employees in Charlotte raised $3,000 for Community Matters Café, volunteered to pack lunches for a local shelter, and adopted a stream and street to provide ongoing cleanup, ensuring roads are safe and clear of debris for drivers.

The SW+ Greenville Office spearheaded civil engineering and landscape architecture design services for the future service hub for Mill Village Ministries. This 14,000+ square foot center will unite all four Mill Village enterprises under one roof to multiply the non-profit’s impact within the Greenville community. Additionally, team members volunteered quarterly at Judson Mill Feed and Seed, where individuals packed over 250 boxes of fresh, locally-grown produce. This effort allows individuals in Pickens and Oconee to have access to healthy and affordable food while fostering community sustainability.

In 2023, SeamonWhiteside’s efforts among all five offices impacted countless lives across North and South Carolina communities. Moving into the new year, SW+ is committed to finding even more ways to give back and inspire employees to identify causes they are passionate about to drive positive change within their local communities,

For more information about SeamonWhiteside, visit



SeamonWhiteside (SW+) is a full-service site design firm providing master planning, civil
engineering, landscape architecture, urban design services, and permit coordination to public and private clients throughout the Carolinas. SW+ elevates the site design experience through a full commitment to people, clients, plans, and communities. Their passion, collaboration, quality, and care results in innovative spaces that enrich lives and leave a lasting legacy for future generations. Headquartered in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, SeamonWhiteside also has offices in Summerville, Greenville, Spartanburg and Charlotte, North Carolina. For more information on SW+, visit