Sexual Harassment – Survival Tips and Myths: Employment Law Quarterly Breakfast Briefing

April 17, 2012

CHARLESTON, SC – Harassment impacts careers and costs millions of dollars each year. At this Quarterly Breakfast Briefing, we will review how to reduce the risk of sexual harassment in your workplace and debunk some common harassment myths that may have you puzzled.

7:30am – 8am – Breakfast* 

8am – 9am – Briefing

Please make certain to check your office location for specific times and/or if we will be conducting a webinar instead of the usual in-house briefing
*HRCI Credit has been requested.
Plan to attend this complimentary briefing?


Join us in one of our offices closest to you:

April 19 – Charleston, SC

205 KIng St. Suite 400
*Co-Sponsored by the Tri-County Human Resources Management Association 

April 24 –  Hilton Head, SC
HHI Chamber of Commerce 

May 10 – Myrtle Beach, SC
Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce
1200 N Oak St.