July 2, 2022

Expedition began at Oconee State Park

By Alex Junes-Ward

DR. TOM MULLIKIN, S.C. SENATOR THOMAS ALEXANDER, S.C. REP. BILL SANDIFER, and other dignitaries and outdoor adventure enthusiasts kicked off the 3rd annual South Carolina 7 (SC7) expedition from the mountains to the sea, Friday July 1, at Oconee State Park. Announcements by SC7 officials were followed by a four-mile hike through scenic Oconee Passage.

Like the previous two monthlong, statewide SC7 expeditions beginning July 1 and ending July 31, SC7 2022 offers something for everyone. This year’s SC7 will offer numerous additional opportunities for public engagement and participation.

In this one-minute video segment, Dr. Mullikin and Senator Alexander discuss SC7.


Additional videos are forthcoming as the SC7 expedition progresses through the Palmetto State.

“This year is going to be our best expedition ever,” says Mullikin. “We will hike, raft, kayak, and SCUBA dive the same highways, byways, deeply forested wonderlands and beautiful rivers across South Carolina that we do every year, but there will be so much more and many exciting new surprises.”

SC7 2022 is a partnership between Global Eco Adventures and the S.C. National Heritage Corridor. The presenting sponsor for SC7 is MUSC Health.

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