Spartanburg Chamber recognizes 49 Leadership Spartanburg graduates
May 16, 2019The Spartanburg Area Chamber of Commerce last week recognized the 49 graduates of the 2018-2019 class of Leadership Spartanburg during a ceremony at The Piedmont Club.
Over the course of nine months, Leadership Spartanburg participants got involved in monthly activities to improve their understanding of Spartanburg’s history, local and state government, education, arts and culture, community health and social issues, economic development, and Spartanburg’s future.
Leadership Spartanburg is presented by Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System.
The Leadership Spartanburg class of 2019 graduates are:
- Shauna Axelrod, Spartanburg Chamber
- Rachel Baker, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
- Seth Blanton, Congressman William Timmons’ office
- Christi Brown, First Presbyterian Church
- Leanne Burkhead, Spartanburg Community College
- Marisa Cecil, Children’s Cancer Partners of the Carolinas
- Charlene Cheeks, Big Brothers Big Sisters
- Ingrid Crawford, city of Spartanburg
- Maddi Currier, Hope Center for Children
- Haley Denny, Mary Black Foundation
- Doug Dills, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
- Elise Echols, Century 21
- Greg Embry, Morgan Stanley
- Angela Fahey, Spartanburg Convention and Visitors Bureau
- Josh Fowler, Synterra Corp.
- Greyson Furnas, Spencer/Hines Properties
- Tashma Glymph, Palmetto Early Beginnings
- Rachel Hansen, Polydeck
- Ricaye Harris, Milliken & Company
- Hope Howard, Spartanburg Chamber
- Matthew Johnson, Fahrenheit Productions
- Stone Kelley, Merrill Lynch
- Nicole Kelljcheain, Spartanburg Marriott
- Traci Kennedy, TOTAL Ministries
- Karla Lamb, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
- Ohmar Land, Sherman College
- Lynell Lawson, Spartanburg Preparatory School
- Meredith Lindsey, ALINE
- Maria Maddin, United Way of the Piedmont
- John Mauney, Merrill Lynch
- Andrew McCall, McMillan Pazdan Smith
- Chip McLeod, Merrill Lynch
- Kristie Oliver, Spartanburg County Parks
- Genna-Jo Parker, Junior League of Spartanburg
- Theresa Perry, Daniel Morgan Technology Center
- Alex Powell, The Johnson Group
- Lance Radford, Spartanburg School District 2
- Farrar Richardson, Spartanburg Day School
- Beth Rutherford, Spartanburg Interfaith Hospitality Network
- Lee Shirley, Pine Street School
- Elizabeth Shuler, Wofford College
- Donnita Smith, City of Spartanburg
- Lindsey Smith, Baehr Feet
- Jenny Stevens, The Stevens Firm, P.A.
- Mark Tutterow, Spartanburg Water
- Anne Waters, Hub City Writers Project
- Kate White, Milliken & Company
- Susie Woodward, Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System
- Rhonda Young, LD Barksdale Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation
In addition to recognizing the graduating class, the Leadership Spartanburg Alumni Association named their 2019 awardees.
- Daniel Craig with Johnson, Smith, Hibbard and Wildman Law Firm was named LSAA’s 2019 Emerging Leader.
- Cindy Teaster, director of leadership development at the Spartanburg Chamber, was named 2019 LSAA Champion.
- The Junior Leadership Spartanburg scholarship was awarded to Kara Thornton, Dorman High School, a graduate of the JLS class of 2018. Graduates of the program who are planning to attend college in Spartanburg County were invited to apply for a scholarship. Kara plans to attend USC Upstate this Fall to study Nursing.
- Assistant Spartanburg City Manager Mitch Kennedy was named 2019 LSAA Alumnus of the Year.