Statement from West Columbia Police Chief and Candidate for Lexington County Sheriff, Dennis Tyndall

December 17, 2014


“As the case of the former Sheriff of Lexington County goes to trial in January, it is my hope that the citizens of Lexington County can begin to heal and move forward. Now more than ever, it is important to elect a Sheriff that is committed to fighting corruption, being tough on crime and genuine public service. This is especially important when choosing the person who is responsible for upholding the laws in Lexington County. Our citizens deserve a Sheriff with a proven record of law enforcement experience that also believes that the government operates for the people. Despite the rejection of the guilty plea today, a guilty plea was entered nonetheless. The trust of the people in our community has been sorely damaged. I look forward to bringing trust and pride back to the office of Sheriff and getting back to the things that matter most to the people of Lexington County”


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