Kathleen Parker December 6, 2013

  December 8, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerDecember 6, 2013   We have reached a new level of political absurdity when the right ismad at the pope and the left wants to anoint his head…

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Posted in: midlandsbiz   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson December 1, 2013

  December 4, 2013

By Robert Samuelson December 1, 2013     Among our problems is a failure of economic language. We lack thewords and concepts to describe observable reality. By conventionalwisdom, the Great…

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Posted in: midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker December 3, 2013

  December 4, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerDecember 3, 2013   As the government health-care Web site chugs along, the Obama administration has begun a counter-initiative to combatRepublican naysaying — and its weapons are of…

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Posted in: midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson December 1, 2013

  December 4, 2013

By Robert Samuelson December 1, 2013     Among our problems is a failure of economic language. We lack thewords and concepts to describe observable reality. By conventionalwisdom, the Great…

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Posted in: midlandsbiz   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker December 3, 2013

  December 4, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerDecember 3, 2013   As the government health-care Web site chugs along, the Obama administration has begun a counter-initiative to combatRepublican naysaying — and its weapons are of…

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Posted in: midlandsbiz   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 30, 2013

  December 1, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 30, 2013   If you peruse the news on any given day, the farm bill/food stamp debate produces two general impressions: Republicans are heartless turkeythieves; Democrats are…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 26, 2013

  December 1, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 26, 2013   President Obama’s broken promise that people can keep their existinghealth insurance is much larger than we’ve been led to believe. Untilnow, attention has…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 22, 2013

  November 24, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 22, 2013   By now, most of the world has digested the 50th anniversary of JohnF. Kennedy’s assassination, and millennials can sigh relief that another such re-examination…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 25, 2013

  November 24, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 25, 2013     It has been only a few years since China was widely regarded as anunstoppable economic colossus. For three decades, its economy grew…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 19, 2013

  November 20, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 19, 2013   Meet Simile and Sui Generis. Simile, to refresh memories, is a favorite rhetorical device ofwriters that compares two essentially unlike things that nonethelesshave similar…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 19, 2013

  November 20, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 19, 2013   How often have you heard that we have the best government money canbuy? Washington is overrun, it’s said, with fat-cat lobbyists whoselavish campaign…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 18, 2013

  November 18, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 18, 2013     Economist Robert Pindyck of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently examined thecomputer models that estimate the effects and costs of climate change…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 15, 2013

  November 17, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 15, 2013   Let’s recap: If you like your insurance policy, you can keep it. No,wait. If you liked your policy, it was probably worthless anyway.Scratch that.…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 12, 2013

  November 13, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 12, 2013 In spite of everything — the GOP’s internal scrimmages, thegovernment shutdown, the party’s transparent attempts to derailObamacare — Republicans keep getting second chances. The question…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 12, 2013

  November 13, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 12, 2013     For President Obama, the one “must read” from the latest Sundaypapers is an essay in The Post by Jon Kingsdale, who ran…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 8, 2013

  November 11, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 8, 2013     President Obama is no lip-biting, tear-streaked, chin-trembling apologist. When he said Thursday that he was sorry for the health-care mess-up, he performed the…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 10, 2013

  November 11, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 10, 2013     It’s not about him. It’s about us. As the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy’s assassinationapproaches, we’ve been deluged with essays, books,…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 3, 2013

  November 6, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 3, 2013     “Never underestimate the difficulty of changing false beliefs by facts.” — Henry Rosovsky, Harvard economic historian Two analysts at the Federal Reserve…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Robert Samuelson November 6, 2013

  November 6, 2013

By Robert Samuelson November 6, 2013     By now, it’s obvious that the economic crisis is evolving intosomething bigger and, possibly, more ominous. The aftershock of thefinancial collapse and…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 5, 2013

  November 6, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 5, 2013     Among the many rules I grew up with, two stand out. The first was tonever call someone a liar, which was considered the…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker November 1, 2013

  November 3, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerNovember 1, 2013     Ms. Know-It-All, the anonymous political advice columnist whoseidentity remains a popular Georgetown cocktail party guessing game, isknown to live up to her title…

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Posted in: upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Kathleen Parker September 20, 2013

  September 22, 2013

By Kathleen ParkerSeptember 20, 2013     News consumers by now have absorbed the message that Republicans are going to defund Obamacare, shut down the government, ruin the economy and…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

January 24, 2008 – Alan Cooper

  January 24, 2008

January 24, 2008 Fair Tax Income taxes were implemented early in the last century as a temporary measure to fund WWI.  Mike Huckabee says that abolishing these taxes on income and…

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Posted in: midlandsbiz   Category: op-ed

Complaining about Gravity

  December 20, 2007

November 28, 2007 Globalization has become an overused term.  Although it has been going on for decades, if not centuries, you hear the term so frequently these days that is has…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Bond Referendums. You gotta love them.

  December 2, 2007

November 7, 2007 My wife was disappointed and disillusioned last night about the bond referendum in Lexington School District 5.  She had worked and volunteered over the past couple of months…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Shift Happens

  November 17, 2007

October 24, 2007 Recently, I traveled back to Winston Salem to a 4 year reunion and to watch a Wake Forest football game.  As I got caught up with some of…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

And it made school fun.

  October 10, 2007

September 27, 2007 The two latest South Carolina rankings are that we are first in violent crime and not very good at all at encouraging our children to participate in physical…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

A Few Tricky Words Explained

  August 30, 2007

August 21, 2007 (A Lack of) Synergy The relationship between the Governor’s office and the legislators is like watching a fight break out between two rookies at a Black and Garnet…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

My Dad, the storytelling engineer.

  August 29, 2007

August 1, 2007 My Dad passed on eight years ago.  Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, he was raised in a British school system that I am sure insisted on strict discipline…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Here and there

  August 6, 2007

July 10, 2007 My wife and I love our life in South Carolina.  It’s such a great place to raise a family.  We are not originally from around these parts.  Each…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

The most intelligent people in the world.

  August 6, 2007

June 26, 2007 Today the Supreme Court of the United States of America came down with three decisions on issues that will affect this country for potentially the rest of…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

Thanks, Tony Blair

  July 2, 2007

June 11, 2007 I have always admired the British parliamentary system because the leader of the governing party (the prime minister) has to stand up in the House of Parliament…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed

The Next President of the United States

  July 2, 2007

May 21, 2007 I am not much of a political junkie, but I did want to talk about one of the candidates running for the Republicans.   He is likeable,…

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Posted in: lowcountrybizsc, midlandsbiz, upstatebizsc   Category: op-ed