U.S. Chamber Rep to discusses National Labor Review Board
June 18, 2011CHARLESTON, SC – June 22, SC – In light of related activities with Boeing and theNational Labor Relation Board (NLRB), the Charleston Metro Chamber ofCommerce is hosting a workshop on labor unions with Glenn Spencer,Executive Director, U.S. Chamber’s Workforce Freedom Initiative (WFI),June 22, 2011 from 12 – 4 p.m. at the Chamber.
Spencer has been traveling to about a dozen targeted states raising theawareness to chambers and their members about the labor unions agendaand the efforts of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), Dept. ofLabor and other similar agencies through the regulatory process and/orsimple rule changes. The Workforce Freedom Initiative is a grassrootsmobilization and advocacy campaign of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce topreserve democracy in the American workplace, restrain abusive unionpension fund activism, and block the anti-competitive agenda advocatedby many labor unions.
Tim Timmons, VP Human Resources, SC State Chamber, and Eric C.Schweitzer, Ogletree Deakins will give an update on the lawsuit againstBoeing and there will be a panel discussing how businesses can plan forthe future.
Bryan Derreberry, president and CEO, Chamber will also discuss the current labor issues in Charleston.
The cost is $55 Chamber member, $95 non-member. To register visit www.charlestonchamber.net/orgcalendar.
With more than 2,000 members, the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerceserves as the catalyst for advancing our region’s economy, improving our quality of life and enhancing our members’ success.