West Ashley High’s school counselors honored by ASCA
April 29, 2021West Ashley High School announced the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) named the School Counseling Department a Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) this week. The distinction exemplifies the commitment of West Ashley High’s school counselors to their students as well as the school counseling profession.
The national RAMP designation recognizes schools that are committed to delivering an exemplary school counseling program. RAMP school counseling programs are assessed in 12 different areas of program expertise. Honorees are awarded for aligning their program with the criteria in the ASCA National Model, a framework for a data-informed school counseling program.
Since the program’s inception, more than 900 schools have earned the RAMP designation. According to the ASCA, West Ashley High is one of 19 schools to receive this honor this year.
Research findings indicate fully implemented comprehensive school counseling programs are associated with a range of positive student educational and behavioral outcomes.
The school counseling team at West Ashley High set the following four goals for the previous school year that helped lead to their department earning the RAMP designation:
- Increase the graduation rate
- Increase the number students receiving Career and Technology Education completers
- Increase student enrollment in dual credit/enrollment course work
- Decrease student referrals for students related to missing class
“Our school counseling department works tirelessly on behalf of all our students,” added Principal Ryan Cumback. “They set lofty yet attainable goals that help our school continue in the right direction. They are an amazing team, and I am honored to work alongside of them.”
Eyamba Williams (the school’s Director of School Counseling Services), Winifred Caetta, Melissa Estes, Nicole “Jordan” Johnson, Lindsay Johnson-Hansen, Rebecca Kyzer, Perry Metz, and Mary West serve on the school counseling team at WAHS.
“The Department of School Counseling Services and I are proud of the tremendous commitment Ms. Williams and her school counseling team has made to ensure their school counseling program has a positive impact on student achievement and outcomes,” said CCSD’s Director of School Counseling Services Fronde Stille.
For more information, please contact WAHS Public Relations Coordinator Donnie Newton at (843) 852-2516.
About the Charleston County School District
Charleston County School District (CCSD) is a nationally-accredited school district that is committed to providing equitable and quality educational opportunities for all of its students. CCSD is the second-largest school system in South Carolina and represents a unique blend of urban, suburban, and rural schools spanning 1,300 square miles along the coast. CCSD serves more than 50,000 students in 87 schools and specialized programs.
CCSD offers a diverse, expanding portfolio of options and specialized programs, delivered through neighborhood, magnet, IB (international baccalaureate), Montessori, and charter schools. Options include programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); music and other creative and performing arts; career and technical preparation programs; and military.