What's Happening This Week: October 24-30

October 24, 2012

COLUMBIA, SC – October 24-30, 2012 – Indian summer continues as does the assembly of arts and historicpreservation events. Our list this week includes something foreveryone. You can enjoy the arts indoors or out and all aroundtown-from Forest Acres to Harbison to Sandhills, and of coursedowntown, too. No tricks! Only treats! Don’t forget our list of Ongoing Events at the bottom of the email.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

8:00-9:30am Alternacirque at the Whole Foods Grand Opening
9:30am Mother Goose Storytime at RCPL
10:00am Read-To-Me at EdVenture
3:00, 5:30 & 8:00pm Arbitrage at the Nick
3:30pm Preschool Storytime at RCPL
3:30-5:00pm IAAR Seminar: Dawn of Freedom with JoAnn Zeise at Thomas Cooper Library
6:00pm Vista Book Group at RCPL
7:30pm SC Shakespeare Company presents Pride and Prejudice at Finlay Park
8:00pm The Home of Easy Credit at Conundrum
8:30pm Chris Jones at the Comedy House

Thursday, October 25, 2012

9:30am Toddler Storytime at RCPL
9:30am-4:00pm Tish Lowe Renaissance Portrait Painting Workshop at Village Artists Gallery in Sandhills
10:30am Family Storytime at RCPL
12:00-1:00pm Speaker at the Center with Anne Sinkler Whaley LeClercq
3:00, 5:30 & 8:00pm Arbitrage at the Nick
5:00-9:00pm Rooftop Rhythm Oyster Roast with Jet Lag Jones & The Root Doctors
6:00-7:30pm Opening Reception for Mechanicals to Megapixels with Gil Shuler at McMaster
6:30-9:00pm Creative Columbia City Brainstormaganza at Tapp’s Art Center
7:30pm Columbia City Ballet presents Dracula at the Koger Center
7:30pm SC Shakespeare Company presents Pride and Prejudice at Finlay Park
7:30pm Theatre Rowe presents Murdered by the Mob at Fine Arts Center of Forest Acres
8:00pm Chapin Theatre Company presents Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
8:00pm Ab Baars & Ig Henneman at Conundrum
8:00pm The Dark Cabaret 
8:30pm Chris Jones at the Comedy House

Friday, October 26, 2012

9:30am-4:00pm Tish Lowe Renaissance Portrait Painting Workshop at Village Artists Gallery in Sandhills
11:00am Civil Warriors: Free at Last screening at SC State Museum
11:15am The Palmetto Mastersingers at the Capitol Senior Center Fall Festival
12:20, 2:30pm Arnold Schoenberg’s A Survivor from Warsaw in Vienna guest lecture with Joy Calico
1:30pm Lost Kingdom of the Maya screening at SC State Museum
7:00pm A Grimm Halloween at Columbia Marionette Theatre
7:30pm Chamber Innovista presents Arnold Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire
7:30pm Theatre Rowe presents Murdered by the Mob at Fine Arts Center of Forest Acres
7:30pm Columbia City Ballet presents Dracula at the Koger Center
7:30pm SC Shakespeare Company presents Pride and Prejudice at Finlay Park
7:30pm The Power Company presents Alternative Power Sources at CMFA ArtSpace
8:00pm Chapin Theatre Company presents Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
8:00pm Trustus Theatre presents Next Fall
8:00pm Stage 5 Theatre presents The Elephant Man
8:00pm Cabaret Anniversary Show at the Comedy House
8:00pm  Lost in the Middle with Darling Waste, The Hookup, Adison Croft, Brik Cash, & Frederick Ingram at Conundrum
8:00pm The Dark Cabaret 
8:00pm-12:00am Contemporaries’ Black and White Ball at the Columbia Museum of Art
9:30 & 10:30pm LAST EVER Alternacirque at Art Bar
10:30pm Gary Conrad, Hypnotist & Comedian at the Comedy House
Evening (TBD) – Farewell, My Queen (Les Adieux a la Rein) at the Nick

Saturday, October 27, 2012

9:30am-4:00pm Tish Lowe Renaissance Portrait Painting Workshop at Village Artists Gallery in Sandhills
10:30am Family Storytime at RCPL
11:00am Ghosts & Legends III screening at SC State Museum
11:00am & 3:00pm Columbia Marionette Theatre presents Hansel and Gretel
12:00pm HIGH NOON with Mary Robinson at City Art 
12:00-2:00pm Family Day: Scarecrows in the Garden with Historic Columbia
1:00pm Gallery Tour: Mark Rothko: The Decisive Decade 1940-1950 at the Columbia Museum of Art
1:30pm Lost Kingdom of the Maya screening at SC State Museum
2:30-4:30pm Taste of the Kingdom
2012 at Fort Jackson

3:00 & 8:00pm GFOUR Productions presents Menopause the Musical at the Township Auditorium
3:30-5:30pm Advanced Screen Writing Workshop: Act 1 with Allen Johnson at Theatre Rowe
5:00-9:00pm Spooktacular at the Columbia Museum of Art
7:30pm The Power Company presents Alternative Power Sources at CMFA ArtSpace
7:30pm Theatre Rowe presents Murdered by the Mob at Fine Arts Center of Forest Acres
7:30pm Columbia City Ballet presents Dracula & costume contest at the Koger Center
7:30pm SC Shakespeare Company presents Pride and Prejudice at Finlay Park
8:00pm Chapin Theatre Company presents Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
8:00pm Cabaret Anniversary Show at the Comedy House
8:00pm Trustus Theatre presents Next Fall
8:00pm The Dark Cabaret 
9:30pm-1:30am Milonga de la Vista at Vista Ballroom
10:30pm Gary Conrad, Hypnotist & Comedian at the Comedy House
Evening – Farewell, My Queen (Les Adieux a la Rein) at the Nick

Sunday, October 28, 2012

1:00pm Films from MoMA: However Odd Khokhlova at the Columbia Museum of Art
1:30pm Lost Kingdom of the Maya screening at SC State Museum
2:00pm Gallery Tour: Highlights of the Museum’s Collection at the Columbia Museum of Art
2:00-4:00pm 18/100 Southern Artists reception and book signing at the if ART Gallery
2:00-4:00pm A Grand Tour of Gardens at Riverbanks Zoo
3:00pm Trustus Theatre presents Next Fall
3:00pm Chapin Theatre Company presents Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
3:00pm Stage 5 Theatre presents The Elephant Man
3:00pm USC Percussion Ensemble at USC School of Music
4:00pm Orchestral Music by Handel and Bach free concert
4:30pm Columbia Baroque Soloists presents The Fairest Isle at the Columbia College Spears Fine Arts Center
5:00pm Theatre Rowe presents Murdered by the Mob at Fine Arts Center of Forest Acres
6:00pm Mary Mary at the Township Auditorium
8:00pm Cabaret Anniversary Show at the Comedy House
Evening – Farewell, My Queen (Les
Adieux a la Rein)
at the Nick

Monday, October 29, 2012

10:30am Hello Baby! at RCPL
5:30pm The Invisible War at the Nick
6:00pm Teen Otaku Association at RCPL
7:30pm USC Wind Ensemble at the Koger Center
8:30pm MRSOE! (the Most RACES Show on Earth!) at Conundrum
Evening – Farewell, My Queen (Les Adieux a la Rein) at the Nick

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

9:30am Hello Baby! at RCPL
9:45 & 11:45am Classic Productions presents Junie B. Jones at the Koger Center
6:30pm Read-A-Rama: Spooktacular at RCPL
7:00pm CMA Chamber Music on Main at the Columbia Museum of Art
7:30pm USC Jazz Combo Recital at USC School of Music
8:00pm The Dark Cabaret
9:00pm Conundrum Jazz Sessions
Evening – Farewell, My Queen (Les Adieux a la Rein) at the Nick

Ongoing Events

Saturday Mornings-Soda City Market on Main Street with art, music, dance, and more!
Exhibits by the Trenholm Artists Guild
Arts, music, film and dance events for seniors at Capitol Senior Center
Secrets of the Maya Exhibit at the SC State Museum
Afternoons-Art, Dance, Music and more at City of Columbia Parks and Recreation
Afternoons and Evenings-Art classes and workshops at Village Artists at the Village at Sandhill
Evenings-Ballroom Dance Classes at Vista Ballroom
Evenings-Le Cafe Jazz at Finlay Park
Evenings-Linda’s Carraoke
Through October Early Adventures: Pumpkin Patch
Through October Goodall Gallery at Columbia College: Artist Alejandro Garcia-Lemos
Through October-Palmetto Luna presents Latino Arts MESS 2012
Through October 27-Brick, Fire & Iron: The Highs and Lows of Carolina’s Historic Wall
Through October 31  The Art of Hansel and Gretel at Hallway @ 701 Whaley
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